About the Name

The mother deer early in her life is called a Doe. 4 Dōes or For Mothers Productions is an online platform for learning and development navigating the pitfalls of life's journey. Like a Mother Doe equipping her young, 4 Dōes will offer a wide array of content to assist men, women, and children to understand the hard and unplanned lessons of life.  

One day traveling nowhere particular, I looked ahead from a traffic light and saw to the left of me a surreal sight.  The still motion on my left was a picture-perfect white picket fence and a mother doe and her fawns. Initially, I said to myself, "4 Dōes." But in reflection, I realized there was a mother with 3 of her young fawns.

As I watched these fawns eat to the quick, they seemed to have no knowledge of how endangered they were. Dozens of cars could destroy them just mere feet away.  One fast leap over the fence and that would be the end of their young little lives. In that moment, I wondered how was that mother going to instill in her fawns about life, the fear of death, and protection.  How was she going to teach them to live, respect danger and enjoy the frolic of life?

As I said "4 Dōes," I knew in that moment I wanted to remember those words and those same questions all mothers face. In that random pondering, came the foundation of 4 Dōes Productions. My whimsical and mistaken identification inspired me for the path I am now on. 

Please understand that only through GOD, would 4 Dōes be possible. Only through GOD's help have I been able to share the message of truth, love and compassion in how I have lived through valleys, mountains and a lot of pitstops. I seek HIS FACE, HIS FAVOR and your prayers for this work. I end this introduction of 4 Dōes with Psalm 42:1 (TLB),

As the deer pants for water, so I long for you, O God. I thirst for God, the living God. Where can I find Him to come and stand before Him? Day and Night.

About the Name on YouTube: https://youtu.be/RFgkFcfrya8