A Symphony of GOD's Love Letters
Anita HelmA Symphony of GOD's Love Letters
You are beautiful, quite lovely from the first formation within your mother’s womb. One of my many masterpieces from the dust and framing of the clay. I sprinkled My image in the creases of your countenance, in bones and sinews I poured My grace and mercy.
No roses, no daisies have I sent you today because there are so many flowers that my love would array for you. I remind you that when it comes to you, Oh Special You --know YOU ARE loved – be reminded that you are not to worry at any moment of the day or hour of the night. I have arrayed the fields of lilies so grand that not even Solomon in all his splendor can compare. I, the LORD have clothed the petals as a reminder of My beauty, My Grandeur, and Power so that you know that you forever are more important than them all. I have given you the beauty of My fashioning rod. A rod met with your flesh with a tenderness of love and softness of a baby’s bottom. You are my babies. Jesus Christ the love of My Eternity, My beloved Son has willingly stepped through 42 generations to take on mortality, maintaining Deity so that you would know how wonderful you are. There is no sweetened candy, rare truffle, or molten toffee that could melt the heart HE has and will forever hold toward you. He is sweeter than the honey in the honeycomb for the devoted Love and commitment toward your salvation. You are the love of His life. He gave His life for you oh hearer of my voice.
So sweet child of the Most High GOD, don’t ever think you are unloved and unlovable. I love you, the Son Loves, the Great Comforter loves you. We are in love with you today, tomorrow, and always. May the sixty-six love letters of the Holy Scriptures sing out the harmonies of My Son’s undying love for you. Listen with the ear to hear His love, His truth, and the fondness ringing through eternity.
For I, the Father so loved you that I gave my only Son, the rarest Jewel no store could sell. Seek Me First as the Love that will always love you from this life to the eternal to come.
The Father, The Son, and Holy Spirit – May You Rest, Rule and Abide from this day and every day forward.